Parking Zone
At the last AGM we talked about the parking survey carried out by the RRA on all residents in the Roedean area. A petition from residents in the area was submitted to the Council who consulted with residents in the area.
The results of the consultation about introducing a parking scheme across Roedean have been published. You can see a summary here:
And the recommendation is here on page 563:
The recommendation is that BHCC proceeds to the next stage of the detailed design for the Roedean Area. This will consist of a consultation to the whole area on a light touch parking scheme Monday to Sunday.
A full parking scheme would mean restricted parking 9am to 8pm every day.
Light touch means there would be two separate one-hour periods during the day when parking is restricted. Therefore if people leave their vehicles there all day then they could get a parking ticket.
Roedean residents will be able to apply for a parking permit for probably around £170pa (£3.25 a week). One per household. Also you will be able to buy day permits for visitors.